Russian through film: «Питер ФМ»

join us to discuss popular 2006 romantic comedy «Питер ФМ»

Russian through film: «Питер ФМ»

A fantastic short course for upper intermediate and advanced students, based on authentic Russian TV and film materials: these two sessions are focussed on the 2006 film Питер ФМ.

The first lesson will look at excerpts from the film, examine the background and context, and introduce key themes and vocabulary.

During the week between lessons, your task will be to watch the film. The second lesson will then give you the chance to discuss what you’ve seen and test how well you have understood it.

You’ll learn new vocabulary, practise your listening comprehension, improve your discussion and analysis skills – and you’ll pick up a wealth of fascinating historical and cultural information.

-Suitable for anyone interested in improving their listening skills and learning more about Russian history and culture. If you’ve ever wondered whether you’re really ready to watch a film in the original Russian, now is the time to find out!

Date 16 Jul 2024Time 18:00 - 20:00Venue onlineOrganiser 2 x 2hrs on 16 and 23 JulPrice £55
Tags B1

If you are not sure whether this is the right level for you, please refer to RLC’s Level Guide or email [email protected]

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